1700 1800 1900
Tuesday 28 April 1789 : Mutiny aboard HMS Bounty
EST 1790 : Birth date of William? PRESCOTT
Tuesday 5 January 1790 : Marriage date of William? PRESCOTT = Alice? HINDLEY?
1791 : The Ordnance Survey of Great Britain is founded
1793 : Invention of cotton gin by Eli Whitney
Friday 1 February 1793 : France declares war on Britain and the Netherlands
1795 : Poor Law devised
1796 : Discovery of Smallpox vaccine by E Jenner
Tuesday 21 February 1797 : French landing in Wales repulsed at Fishguard
Saturday 15 April 1797 : First naval mutiny at Spithead
Friday 30 June 1797 : Second naval mutiny at the Nore
1798 : Typhus epidemic kills thousands
Wednesday 9 January 1799 : Parliament passes the first income tax
1801 : Electric arc lamp invented by Sir Humphrey Davy
1805 : Birth date of Margeret HOLT
Monday 21 October 1805 : Nelson dies victorious at Trafalgar
Sunday 21 August 1808 : Sir Arthur Wellesley leads campaign in Peninsular War
Friday 28 July 1809 : French driven from Portugal
1810 : Birth date of James PRESCOTT
Saturday 24 November 1810 : Christening date of James PRESCOTT
1811 : Luddites attack textile machinery
1811 : Birth date of Alice ?
February 1811 : Prince of Wales becomes Prince Regent due to King's insanity
1812 : French retreat from Moscow
1812 : Birth date of Thomas PRESCOTT
Wednesday 12 August 1812 : Wellington takes Madrid
1815 : Humphry Davy invents mining safety lamp
Sunday 18 June 1815 : Napoleon defeated at Waterloo
1816 : Invention of bicycle by K D von Sauerbronn
1816 : Invention of phosphorous match by F Derosne
1817 : Potato famine kills thousands in Ireland
1818 : Mary Shelley publishes "Frankenstein"
1819 : Invention of stethoscope by R Laennec
1819 : MacAdam revolutionises road building
Saturday 29 January 1820 : End of reign of George III
Sunday 30 January 1820 : Start of reign of George IV
1822 : Invention of electric motor by Michael Faraday
Tuesday 27 September 1825 : First passenger train service from Stockton to Darlington
Monday 30 January 1826 : Telford's Menai suspension bridge completed
1827 : G S Ohm postulates Ohm's Law
1828 : Birth date of Ellen DYSON
Tuesday 22 January 1828 : Wellington becomes Prime Minister
1829 : George Stephenson builds first steam locomotive
Wednesday 28 January 1829 : William Burke hanged for murder in Edinburgh
Sunday 31 May 1829 : Marriage date of James PRESCOTT = Margeret HOLT
Saturday 26 September 1829 : First proper police force established in London
1830 : Birth date of William PRESCOTT
Saturday 26 June 1830 : End of reign of George IV
Sunday 27 June 1830 : Start of reign of William IV
Wednesday 15 September 1830 : Liverpool to Manchester railway opens
1831 : Invention of the friction match by C Sauria
1832 : M Faraday invents electric dynamo
June 1832 : Cholera epidemic strikes Britain
Thursday 7 June 1832 : Parliament passes Reform Act
Monday 29 July 1833 : Slavery abolished throughout British Empire
March 1834 : Tolpuddle Martyrs sentenced to transportation
1835 : Samuel Colt invents the revolver
1836 : Charles Darwin returns from South America
1836 : Invention of screw propeller by F P Smith
1837 : Invention of telegraph by S F B Morse
Tuesday 20 June 1837 : End of reign of William IV
Wednesday 21 June 1837 : Start of reign of Queen Victoria
April 1838 : First steam crossing of the Atlantic
September 1838 : Grace Darling rescues survivors of the "Forfarshire"
1839 : Rubber vulcanisation developed by C Goodyear
ABT 1840 : Development of photography
Wednesday 6 May 1840 : Penny Post introduced
Tuesday 2 June 1840 : Britain annexes New Zealand
Tuesday 6 July 1841 : First national census taken
September 1841 : Robert Peel becomes Prime Minister
1842 : First use of ether as anesthetic by CW Long
1842 : Birth date of Margeret PRESCOTT
Sunday 31 December 1843 : Charles Dickens publishes "A Christmas Carol"
1844 : Birth date of James PRESCOTT
1844 : Birth date of Mary Ann DYSON
1844 : Birth date of Mary ?
June 1844 : Mines Act prohibits use of women and boys in mines
1845 : Birth date of Mary PRESCOTT
1845 : Invention of pneumatic tyre by R W Thompson
Friday 4 April 1845 : Birth date of Rechab PRESCOTT
Friday 4 April 1845 : Birth date of Jonadab PRESCOTT
1846 : Birth date of Hannah WINSTANLEY
July 1846 : Potato famine hits Ireland and Scotland
April 1847 : Thousands emigrate from Ireland on "Coffin" ships
1848 : Birth date of James PRESCOTT
1849 : Birth date of Martha MYERS?
1849 : Birth date of Ann PRESCOTT
November 1849 : Cholera epidemic takes 2000 lives a week
1850 : Invention of refrigerator by Twining / Harrison
Monday 31 March 1851 : 1851 national census taken
Thursday 1 May 1851 : Great Exhibition opened in Hyde Park
1852 : Birth date of Charlotte PRESCOTT
1853 : Smallpox vaccination becomes compulsory
ABT 1853 : Transportation of criminals to Australia ends
Sunday 25 September 1853 : Marriage date of William PRESCOTT = Ellen DYSON
1854 : Birth date of Mary Elizabeth PRESCOTT
1854 : Birth date of John WINSTANLEY
1854 : Birth date of George ROYDEN
Sunday 26 March 1854 : Britain and France declare war on Russia
Sunday 26 March 1854 : Start of Crimean War
1855 : Invention of the safety match by J E Lundstrom
1855 : Birth date of Charles R WORLDRIDGE
1855 : Birth date of Rachel WINSTANLEY
1856 : Birth date of Margaret PRESCOTT
1856 : Birth date of Alice PRESCOTT
Sunday 30 March 1856 : End of Crimean War
Sunday 10 May 1857 : Sepoy mutiny in India
1859 : First oil well sunk by E L Drake in Pennsylvania
Friday 12 August 1859 : Birth date of Ellen PRESCOTT
Thursday 24 November 1859 : Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin of Species"
Saturday 10 December 1859 : Death date of Rechab PRESCOTT
BEF 1861 : Death date of William DYSON
1861 : Gatling gun invented by R J Gatling
Monday 8 April 1861 : 1861 national census taken
Tuesday 1 October 1861 : Birth date of Thomas ELLIOT(T)
EST 1862 : Marriage date of Jonadab PRESCOTT = Hannah WINSTANLEY
1863 : Birth date of Richard M PRESCOTT
Saturday 10 January 1863 : London Underground opens
BEF 1864 : Marriage date of James PRESCOTT = Mary ?
1864 : Birth date of Margeret PRESCOTT
1864 : Birth date of Catherine Jane PRESCOTT
ABT 1866 : Invention of the breech-loading rifle
1866 : Birth date of Mary Ann PRESCOTT
1866 : Birth date of George Robert DAY
September 1866 : Cholera sweeps London
1867 : Joseph Lister pioneers antiseptic techniques
1867 : Alfred Nobel invents dynamite
1867 : Invention of the typewriter by Sholes and Glidden
Sunday 16 June 1867 : Death date of James PRESCOTT
1868 : Birth date of William PRESCOTT
1868 : Birth date of Margaret Ellen K PRESCOTT
February 1868 : Disraeli becomes Prime Minister
1869 : D Mendeleev constructs Periodic Table of elements
1870 : Electric incandescent lamp invented by T A Edison
1870 : Birth date of Maria PRESCOTT
1870 : Birth date of Martha Elizabeth M PRESCOTT
1870 : Birth date of Elizabeth PRESCOTT
1871 : Birth date of Henry GUEST
1871 : Birth date of William Thomas PRESCOTT
Monday 3 April 1871 : 1871 national census taken
1872 : Birth date of Ada PRESCOTT
May 1872 : Gladstone becomes Prime Minister
December 1872 : "Marie Celeste" discovered abandoned
1873 : Birth date of Ellen PRESCOTT
1873 : Invention of pianoforte by J Broadwood
1874 : Birth date of Jane Agnes PRESCOTT
Thursday 26 March 1874 : Birth date of Sir William (Henry) Bt PRESCOTT
1875 : Birth date of Bessie Smith STANLEY
1875 : Birth date of James PRESCOTT
1876 : Invention of the telephone by A G Bell
1876 : Birth date of Elizabeth Ellen PRESCOTT
1877 : Birth date of Martha Jane PRESCOTT
1877 : Invention of reinforced concrete by J Monier
1877 : Phonograph invented by Thomas Edison
1878 : Birth date of Albert Ernest PRESCOTT
1879 : Birth date of Florence Vaughn PRESCOTT
Sunday 28 December 1879 : Tay Bridge disaster
1880 : Birth date of Bertha PRESCOTT
1881 : Birth date of Sarah Myers PRESCOTT
1881 : Birth date of Ellen D ROYDEN
Sunday 3 April 1881 : 1881 national census taken
1882 : Isolation of tuberculosis bacteria by R Koch
1883 : Birth date of Charles W WORLDRIDGE
1883 : Cholera bacteria isolated by Robert Koch
1883 : Birth date of Alice Ann PRESCOTT
1883 : Birth date of James CW PRESCOTT
Sunday 26 August 1883 : Krakatoa erupts
1884 : Fountain pen invented by L E Waterman
1885 : First internal combustion carriage built by K. Benz
1885 : Vaccine against rabies discovered by Louis Pasteur
Monday 26 January 1885 : General Gordon killed at Khartoum
1886 : Birth date of Joseph PRESCOTT
1886 : Birth date of George F WORLDRIDGE
1887 : Birth date of James Albert PRESCOTT
1887 : Sherlock Holmes created by Arthur Conan Doyle
1888 : Invention of hand-held camera by George Eastman
October 1888 : Jack the Ripper terrorises London's East End
Monday 24 December 1888 : Marriage date of George Robert DAY = Catherine Jane PRESCOTT
1889 : Invention of the bolt-action rifle by P von Mauser
Thursday 14 November 1889 : Completion of the Forth Bridge - first large steel structure
1890 : Birth date of William ROYDEN
1890 : Birth date of Thomas ROYDEN
1890 : Discovery of diphtheria vaccine by E von Behring
Tuesday 8 July 1890 : Death date of William PRESCOTT
BEF 1891 : Death date of Martha MYERS?
1891 : Birth date of William B DAY
1891 : Birth date of Margaret E WORLDRIDGE
1891 : Invention of the zip fastener by W L Judson
Wednesday 1 April 1891 : 1891 national census taken
1892 : Birth date of Mary M ROYDEN
1893 : Thomas Edison invents motion pictures
Tuesday 14 February 1893 : Marriage date of Thomas ELLIOT(T) = Ellen PRESCOTT
Thursday 27 July 1893 : Birth date of Gladys Ellen ELLIOT
1894 : Tower Bridge opens in London
1895 : Birth date of Martha GUEST
1895 : Discovery of x-rays by W K Roentgen
1895 : Wireless telegraphy invented by G Marconi
Thursday 21 March 1895 : Birth date of Reginald Thomas Prescott ELLIOT(T)
Sunday 30 June 1895 : Christening date of Reginald Thomas Prescott ELLIOT(T)
1896 : Discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel
BEF 1897 : Death date of Mark STANLEY
1897 : Birth date of George A ROYDEN
Tuesday 22 June 1897 : Victoria celebrates her Diamond Jubilee
Monday 27 December 1897 : Marriage date of Sir William (Henry) Bt PRESCOTT = Bessie Smith STANLEY
1898 : Birth date of John G DAY
Sunday 13 November 1898 : Birth date of John Eric Hardwick ELLIOTT
1899 : Birth date of Walter C DAY
1899 : Introduction of aspirin by Felix Hoffman
1899 : Invention of first tape recorder by V Poulsen
1899 : Birth date of Harry Sydney GUEST
Wednesday 18 January 1899 : Christening date of John Eric Hardwick ELLIOTT
Thursday 26 January 1899 : Birth date of Richard Stanley PRESCOTT
October 1899 : Start of Boer War
Monday 27 November 1899 : Death date of Gladys Ellen ELLIOT
1900 : Invention of agricultural tractor by B Holt
1900 : Birth date of Ellen Dyson DAY
1900 : Invention of rigid airship by von Zeppelin
August 1900 : Boxer rebellion in Peking
BEF 1901 : Death date of James PRESCOTT
1901 : First successful safety razor sold by K Gillette
AFT 1901 : Death date of Jonadab PRESCOTT
AFT 1901 : Marriage date of William BELLAMY = Maria PRESCOTT
Tuesday 22 January 1901 : End of reign of Queen Victoria
Wednesday 23 January 1901 : Start of reign of Edward VII
Friday 26 July 1901 : Birth date of Thomas COOPER
Saturday 5 April 1902 : 20 killed as terracing collapses at Ibrox Park
Sunday 1 June 1902 : End of Boer War
Sunday 17 August 1902 : Birth date of Constance Martha ELLIOT
1903 : Birth date of Bernice Louise PRESCOTT
1903 : Marriage date of William Thomas PRESCOTT = Hannah WAINWRIGHT
Wednesday 16 September 1903 : Death date of Ellen DYSON
Wednesday 4 October 1905 : Convicted Suffragettes choose to go to prison
1906 : Wassermann test for syphilis developed
1907 : Albert Einstein postulates "E=mc²" theory
1909 : Birth date of Alan BELLAMY
Wednesday 30 June 1909 : Death date of Alan BELLAMY
1910 : Invention of first synthetic plastic, Bakelite
Friday 6 May 1910 : End of reign of Edward VII
Saturday 7 May 1910 : Start of reign of George V
Sunday 31 July 1910 : Radio used to arrest Dr Crippen fleeing to Quebec
1911 : E. Rutherford puts forward nuclear model of the atom
Tuesday 3 January 1911 : Three policemen die in the Seige of Sidney Street
Thursday 31 August 1911 : Troops clash with strikers in north of England
Monday 15 April 1912 : SS Titanic sinks with loss of 1513 lives
Thursday 25 April 1912 : Birth date of (William Robert) Stanley PRESCOTT
Monday 10 February 1913 : Capt. Scott found dead in Antartica
June 1913 : Suffragette dies under King's horse at Epsom
1914 : Invention of military tank by E Swinton
Sunday 28 June 1914 : Austrian Archduke Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo
Tuesday 28 July 1914 : Start of World War I
Tuesday 28 July 1914 : Austria declares war on Serbia
August 1914 : Battle of Tannenberg
Saturday 1 August 1914 : Germany declares war on Russia
Monday 3 August 1914 : Germany declares war on France
Tuesday 4 August 1914 : Germany invades Belgium
Tuesday 4 August 1914 : Britain declares war on Germany
September 1914 : First Battle of the Marne
Sunday 4 October 1914 : First bombs fall on London
February 1915 : Start of German submarine blockade of Britain
Thursday 22 April 1915 : Germans first use of mustard gas at Ypres
Monday 26 April 1915 : British land in Turkey
Friday 7 May 1915 : SS Lusitania sunk by German submarine
Saturday 22 May 1915 : 200 soldiers killed in train crash at Quintinshill
Monday 6 September 1915 : Poland and Lithuania overrun by Germany
Thursday 14 October 1915 : Britain and France declare war on Bulgaria
Monday 20 December 1915 : British withdraw from Gallipoli
February 1916 : Battle of Verdun
Monday 24 April 1916 : 450 die in Easter Rising in Dublin
Wednesday 31 May 1916 : Battle of Jutland
Saturday 1 July 1916 : Start of Battle of the Somme
Sunday 27 August 1916 : Romaina declares war on Austria-Hungary
Wednesday 15 November 1916 : End of Battle of the Somme
1917 : Birth date of Hylda Gwendoline ALDRIDGE
Friday 6 April 1917 : USA declares war on Germany
Tuesday 1 May 1917 : Death date of Thomas ELLIOT(T)
October 1917 : Start of Battle of Caporetto
December 1917 : End of Battle of Caporetto
Friday 7 December 1917 : USA declares war on Austria-Hungary
Saturday 15 December 1917 : Russian Bolsheviks now allies with Germany
Thursday 21 March 1918 : Death date of Reginald Thomas Prescott ELLIOT(T)
Thursday 21 March 1918 : Start of German offensive
Monday 1 April 1918 : Royal Air Force created
Saturday 18 May 1918 : Sinn Féin banned and leaders arrested
July 1918 : Second Battle of the Marne
Thursday 8 August 1918 : End of German offensive
Friday 4 October 1918 : Germany offers surrender
Monday 11 November 1918 : Hostilities cease on Western Front
Monday 11 November 1918 : End of World War I
Saturday 28 December 1918 : Women allowed to vote for the first time
March 1919 : Spanish flu kills 150,000 throughout Britian
Sunday 28 December 1919 : Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister
Monday 18 October 1920 : State of emergency declared as miners strike
Sunday 21 November 1920 : "Bloody Sunday" - 12 Irish killed by the Black and Tans
Tuesday 6 December 1921 : Irish Free State created
1922 : Banting and MacLeod isolate human insulin
Wednesday 23 April 1924 : First royal transmission by wireless
1926 : Invention of the liquid-fuelled rocket by R Goddard
1926 : First demonstration of television by J L Baird
Monday 10 May 1926 : TUC calls first General Strike
Saturday 17 July 1926 : Marriage date of Thomas COOPER = Constance Martha ELLIOT
Saturday 7 January 1928 : River Thames floods killing 14
Friday 6 July 1928 : Marriage date of Reginald Edgar GRAY = Bernice Louise PRESCOTT
Sunday 30 September 1928 : Penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming
Saturday 24 May 1930 : Amy Johnson flies solo to Australia
Sunday 5 October 1930 : Airship R101 crashes in France killing 48
1931 : Birth date of David Stanley GRAY
Friday 12 February 1932 : Whipping of children under 14 is banned
Friday 30 September 1932 : Unemployment reaches 25%
1934 : Invention of first practical radar by Watson-Watt
Friday 21 September 1934 : 262 killed in blast at Gresford colliery
Monday 18 March 1935 : Thousands protest in Wales at "means test"
1936 : Invention of helicopter by H Focke
1936 : Sir Frank Whittle invents the jet engine
Monday 20 January 1936 : End of reign of George V
Tuesday 21 January 1936 : Start of reign of Edward VIII
Wednesday 11 November 1936 : Jarrow Crusade reaches London
Thursday 10 December 1936 : Edward VIII abdicates
Thursday 10 December 1936 : End of reign of Edward VIII
Friday 11 December 1936 : Start of reign of George VI
Saturday 13 March 1937 : Death date of Ellen PRESCOTT
Wednesday 17 March 1937 : Burial date of Ellen PRESCOTT
Friday 28 May 1937 : Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister
1938 : Discovery of nuclear fission by Hahn and Strassmann
Monday 11 July 1938 : Last British troops leave Eire
Friday 25 August 1939 : IRA bomb Coventry killing 5
Friday 1 September 1939 : Germany invades Poland
September 1939 : Children evacuated from London and major cities
Sunday 3 September 1939 : Start of World War II
Sunday 3 September 1939 : Britain and France declare war on Germany
Friday 29 September 1939 : Marriage date of (William Robert) Stanley PRESCOTT = Hylda Gwendoline ALDRIDGE
Sunday 17 December 1939 : the Graf Spee scuttled off Montevideo
Friday 10 May 1940 : Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
Friday 10 May 1940 : Churchill takes over as Prime Minister
Sunday 12 May 1940 : Germany invades France
Sunday 26 May 1940 : Allied evacuation from Dunkirk begins
Monday 10 June 1940 : Italy invades France
Monday 10 June 1940 : Italy declares war on France and Britain
Friday 14 June 1940 : Germans enter Paris unopposed
Saturday 22 June 1940 : France surrenders to Germany
Thursday 12 September 1940 : Death date of Bessie Smith STANLEY
Thursday 14 November 1940 : Coventry bombed
Thursday 17 April 1941 : Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany
Sunday 27 April 1941 : British leave Greece
Sunday 22 June 1941 : Germany attacks Russia
Thursday 14 August 1941 : Britain and USA sign Atlantic Charter
Sunday 7 December 1941 : Japan attack USA at Pearl Harbour
Thursday 11 December 1941 : Britain and USA declare war on Japan
Thursday 11 December 1941 : Germany and Italy declare war on USA
Sunday 21 December 1941 : Death date of John Eric Hardwick ELLIOTT
Sunday 15 February 1942 : British surrender Singapore to Japanese
Thursday 9 April 1942 : USA surrenders Bataan peninsula to Japanese
Wednesday 6 May 1942 : USA surrenders Corregidor Island to Japanese
Wednesday 10 June 1942 : Lidice, Czechoslovakia razed by Germans
Sunday 8 November 1942 : British and US troops land in North Africa
Thursday 14 January 1943 : Casablanca conference
Monday 1 February 1943 : Germans surrender at Stalingrad
Wednesday 12 May 1943 : War in Africa ends
Sunday 25 July 1943 : Mussolini deposed
Friday 3 September 1943 : Allies land in Italy
Wednesday 8 September 1943 : Italy surrenders
Friday 10 September 1943 : Germans take Rome
Monday 22 November 1943 : Cairo conference
Sunday 28 November 1943 : Teheran Conference
Saturday 22 January 1944 : British and US troops land at Anzio
Sunday 4 June 1944 : British and US troops enter Rome
Friday 25 August 1944 : Paris liberated
Friday 13 October 1944 : Athens liberated
Friday 20 October 1944 : USA invades Philippines
Saturday 16 December 1944 : Battle of the Bulge
Sunday 11 February 1945 : Yalta agreement
Saturday 28 April 1945 : Mussolini killed at Lake Como
Tuesday 1 May 1945 : Hitler's suicide announced
Wednesday 2 May 1945 : Berlin falls
Monday 7 May 1945 : VE Day. Germany surrenders
Friday 15 June 1945 : Death date of Sir William (Henry) Bt PRESCOTT
Tuesday 17 July 1945 : Potsdam conference
Monday 6 August 1945 : USA drops atom bomb on Hiroshima
Wednesday 8 August 1945 : USSR declares war on Japan
Thursday 9 August 1945 : USA drops atom bomb on Nagasaki
Tuesday 14 August 1945 : Japan surrenders
Sunday 2 September 1945 : End of World War II
Sunday 2 September 1945 : VJ Day. Japanese sign surrender aboard USS Missouri
February 1946 : 50,000 "GI brides" shipped out to the USA
December 1946 : Fuel and food shortages continue
Thursday 20 November 1947 : Princess Elizabeth marries the Duke of Edinburgh
Thursday 1 January 1948 : Railways nationalised
Wednesday 3 March 1948 : Birth date of Sir Mark Bt PRESCOTT
Monday 28 June 1948 : Troops break dockers' strike
December 1948 : Labour government constructs "Welfare State"
Tuesday 15 March 1949 : Clothes rationing ends
Monday 18 April 1949 : Eire becomes Republic of Ireland
ABT 1950 : Albert Einstein puts forward theories of relativity
Wednesday 28 June 1950 : Royal Navy enters Korean War
Monday 25 December 1950 : Stone of Destiny taken from Westminster Abbey
1951 : Divorce date of (William Robert) Stanley PRESCOTT = Hylda Gwendoline ALDRIDGE
Thursday 7 June 1951 : Soviet spies Burgess and MacLean disappear
1952 : Marriage date of Daniel ORME = Hylda Gwendoline ALDRIDGE
Wednesday 6 February 1952 : End of reign of George VI
Thursday 7 February 1952 : Start of reign of Elizabeth II
Monday 24 November 1952 : "Mousetrap" opens in London
Thursday 11 December 1952 : Derek Bentley sentenced to hang
1953 : Discovery of measles vaccine by Enders and Peebles
Saturday 31 January 1953 : Ferry Princess Victoria sinks in the Irish Sea
Tuesday 3 February 1953 : Hundreds die as East Coast is flooded
Saturday 30 May 1953 : Edmund Hillary reaches the top of Mount Everest
1954 : Discovery of first polio vaccine by J E Salk
May 1954 : "Teddy Boys" appear
Saturday 3 July 1954 : Rationing ends
Wednesday 13 July 1955 : Ruth Ellis is the last woman to be hanged
Wednesday 31 October 1956 : Britain invades Suez
Thursday 17 October 1957 : Air borne radiation leaks from Windscale
Thursday 6 February 1958 : 7 members of Manchester United die in plane crash
Friday 5 December 1958 : First motorway in Britain, M6 Preston Bypass opens
Saturday 31 December 1960 : National Service abolished
Wednesday 6 June 1962 : Death date of (William Robert) Stanley PRESCOTT
Wednesday 27 March 1963 : Dr Beeching proposes cutting 25% of rail lines
Wednesday 5 June 1963 : John Profumo resigns after sex scandal
Monday 4 November 1963 : The Beatles appear in the Royal Variety Show
Monday 21 December 1964 : Death penalty abolished in Britain
Thursday 21 January 1965 : Death date of Richard Stanley PRESCOTT
Thursday 28 October 1965 : Brady and Hindley charged with Moors Murders
Friday 21 October 1966 : 144 die in Aberfan as coal bing buries school
1967 : Emergence of Flower Power
Wednesday 5 March 1969 : London gangsters the Kray twins sentenced to life
Saturday 2 January 1971 : 66 die when barriers collapse at Ibrox Park
Monday 15 February 1971 : British currency goes decimal
1972 : Death date of Daniel ORME
Saturday 22 January 1972 : Britain joins the EEC
Sunday 30 January 1972 : 13 shot in another Bloody Sunday in Derry
February 1972 : Miners strike leads to power cuts
Thursday 8 March 1973 : IRA begins mainland bombing
Monday 17 December 1973 : Three day week introduced
Tuesday 12 November 1974 : Lord Lucan escapes and disappears
Friday 11 July 1975 : Inflation reaches 25%
August 1976 : Drought causes water shortages
Saturday 2 April 1977 : Red Rum wins the Grand National for the third time
Wednesday 13 December 1978 : Jeremy Thorpe charged with incitement to murder
January 1979 : "Winter of Discontent" causes chaos
Friday 4 May 1979 : Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman Prime Minister
Sunday 2 September 1979 : Yorkshire Ripper claims 12th victim
Monday 5 May 1980 : SAS storms Iranian embassy in London
July 1981 : Riots break out in 8 inner city areas
Friday 21 August 1981 : Death date of Constance Martha ELLIOT
Friday 2 April 1982 : Argentina invades Falkland Islands
Monday 14 June 1982 : British troops regain control of Falklands
Friday 12 August 1983 : Death date of Thomas COOPER
Sunday 25 September 1983 : 134 IRA prisoners escape from the Maze prison
May 1984 : Coal strikes crushed by riot police
Friday 12 October 1984 : IRA bombs Tory conference in Brighton
Saturday 11 May 1985 : 40 killed as fire destroys Bradford City stand
Friday 16 October 1987 : Hurricane hits southern England
Wednesday 18 November 1987 : 30 die in King's Cross Underground fire
Wednesday 6 July 1988 : North sea oil rig Piper Alpha explodes
Thursday 22 December 1988 : Pan Am jumbo jet explodes over Lockerbie killing 270
Saturday 15 April 1989 : 94 football fans crushed to death at Hillsborough
September 1989 : Thousands of Scots elect not to pay new Poll Tax
Thursday 19 October 1989 : "Guildford Four" released from prison
Thursday 23 August 1990 : British and US troop build up in Persian Gulf
Thursday 17 January 1991 : Operation "Desert Storm" defeats Iraq
Thursday 7 February 1991 : Downing Street hit by IRA mortar bomb
Thursday 14 March 1991 : "Birmingham Six" released from prison
1992 : Death date of Hylda Gwendoline ALDRIDGE